Girl Up Merch

Merch Design | 2024

Girl Up is a non-profit under the United Nations Foundation, centered on girl leadership and gender justice with a mission to support and uplift girls around the world. During my internship at Girl Up, I had the opportunity to work on a passion project. The goal of the project was to refresh the Girl up Merch store, with eye-catching, trendy designs that align with the brand’s identity and mission. I added Tote bags, notebooks, buttons and stickers to the shop, products that girls can wear to events or gatherings and use to express their alignment with Girl Up’s mission. I chose bold, empowering feminist taglines such as She’s Got the PWR and Change Maker. As for visuals, I utilized the Girl Up’s brand color palette to create a unified collateral and uphold the brand’s identity. 


Riding the Rainbow: A short story and guided journal for kids